Tech News & Podcast | Africa

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Tech News & Podcast | Africa

Co-Creation Hub

About Us

CcHUB is Nigeria’s first open living lab and pre-incubation space designed to be a multi-functional, multi-purpose space where work to catalyze creative social tech ventures take place. The HUB is a place for technologists, social entrepreneurs, government, tech companies, impact investors and hackers in and around Lagos to co-create new solutions to the many social problems in Nigeria.

Areas of Focus


Since 2011, CcHUB has supported the growth of a community passionate about the role of technology in transforming Nigeria. We have seen from experience that there are lots of people and organizations interested in the application of technology to solve local problems and our goal is to continue to unearth such individuals/companies and to support them to bring their ideas/products to life.

One of the ways we have done this is through the programs in our incubation unit. To date, over ninety (90) ideas and companies have benefited from our support.

Over 50+ advisors, mentors and facilitators contributed to our various programs this year.


It is a 6-month program to support aspiring entrepreneurs to build and launch initial prototypes of their tech-enabled solutions to clearly defined problems in society. The goal is to validate the idea and product/market fit. The program comes with a cash investment of $5,000, mentoring from the management team and hands-on support from our Product development team.

  • Innovative idea that leverages web or mobile technology to solve a problem/issue
  • Idea must improve on an existing process/solution or be completely new i.e. hasn’t been done locally
  • Adequately researched problem with a clear picture of the target segment it affects
  • Team should have skills to build the solution (or have access to technical skills)
  • Full-time commitment for 6 months spent building the solution and conduct market validation to understand your potential users?
  • Team must have at least one full-time member and a maximum of 3 team members


This is a 12-month program focused on helping ventures with some level of traction & revenue to build businesses that can grow into global sustainable companies. Startups will access up to $25k during the program and have direct access to follow-on funding of up to $250k from Growth Capital, free office space for the team, free credits for partner products, business support and access to a network of partners and more. To be eligible to apply, startups must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a revenue model and be generating revenue.
  • Have a functional product that leverages technology.
  • Have gained Users/customers. Been in operations (since launch date) for at least 6 months.
  • Have a management team consisting of up to 3 members which include a technical lead and founder(s) that are fully committed to the business.
  • Have the potential to scale.

This program is open to founders looking to grow their business in Africa, particularly Nigeria. Startups will have to be based in our incubation space in Lagos, Nigeria for the duration of the program.


Accelerators are 12-week programs designed to help startups refine their products, business model and processes, positioning them for sustained growth. With a core focus on product development, financial management, investment readiness and business modeling, accelerators are designed to be flexible and provide support based on the individual needs of the startup. Our accelerators are fast-paced and execution driven, with a priority focus on founders applying learnings to their startups in real time. Startups in our Accelerator programs get access to:

  • One-on-one sessions with our internal experts at CcHUB
  • Coaching sessions with leading industry experts
  • Free credits from partner products
  • Access to mentors
  • Access to partners and networks

Find information about some of our past acceleration programs here We’ve implemented accelerator programs for international and local partners, graduating 40+ active startups which have gone on to create over 500+ jobs. Some of our previous and existing partners include NOKIA, Intel, Enviu, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GIZ and Endeva. Interested in running an accelerator for your organisation? 

Partner Network

CcHUB partners with Google for Startups to help our startup community thrive. Google for Startups is a global network that connects international startup communities with the best of Google’s resources and programmes.

You’ll learn from and meet with people across different skills, industries, and geographies, and gain access to global programs, events, and a network of spaces, where entrepreneurs can go to learn, connect, and build companies that will change the world

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