Tech News & Podcast | Africa

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Tech News & Podcast | Africa


Who We Are

AfriLabs is a dynamic innovation-focused organization empowering and building a community around innovation hubs and other stakeholders across various African countries since 2011.

These hubs serve as physical co-working spaces and dedicated offices, offering comprehensive training and invaluable support in areas such as business, legalities, and finance to African entrepreneurs, innovators, developers, and young individuals.

Through active involvement with these hubs and their communities, we actively contribute to cultivating innovators and entrepreneurs, ultimately driving economic growth and social development throughout Africa.


A thriving innovation economy in Africa, driven by the power of our community.


To support innovation hubs and their communities to raise high potential entrepreneurs that will stimulate economic growth and social development in Africa. We achieve this through capacity building, financing, networking, policy advocacy, and providing insightful, reliable data.

AfriLabs Programmes

Discover innovation at its best with AfriLabs’ diverse range of impactful projects, programmes, and initiatives. From empowering startups to fostering collaborative ecosystems, we’re committed to driving sustainable growth and innovation across Africa. Join us on this journey of transformation and opportunity.

RevUp Women by AfriLabs

RevUp Women by AfriLabs empowers early-stage women-led African startups and…Read More


Greenovations aims to set up a framework that brings together…Read More

EdTech Hub

The EdTech Hub is a consortium of partners funded by…Read More

Civil Society and Media- Strengthened Together and Advancing in New Directions (CSM -STAND)

The aim of CSM-STAND is to identify and foster effective…Read More

YouthADAPT Solutions Challenge

The Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge (YouthADAPT Challenge) is an annual…Read More

Open source Nexus modelling tools for Planning Sustainable Energy Transition in Africa ONEPlanET

ONEPlanET project aims at empowering African policymakers, research & academia,…Read More

LEAP-RE Programme

LEAP-RE programme seeks to create a long-term partnership of African…Read More

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